Settled In For A (Short) While

We are settled into my mother-in-law’s flat for a short while till the date of the flight to America.  Jordan is going to have to travel separately, which is not an easy prospect for us, but it is an inevitable one if we are going to make use of the VISAs we worked hard and paid a lot for.  Worst case scenario is that we have to apply for him all over again, however, hopefully we can get his extended somehow and that will be the end of it.  He should only need a month or so more before he is safe to travel, but it is once again in the hands of the Embassy.  Rats!  Just when I thought the hard part was done for! 

Mom’s place is quite a bit nicer than our house on Portefields was, and it is a lot easier to clean up and keep clean!  We are settled in for a short while, but even as the days roll on, it just seems so far away still!  What to do with these last few weeks?  Things keep filling the days, but watching a pot really does make it feel as though it will never boil! 

Kirynie has been hard pressed to feel settled at all right now.  She is doing better now that everything is not moving in transition, but she is relying on her dummy more, and hanging on my leg so that I cannot get anything done.  I think it is coming time to employ the boys on some babysitting!  Everything has been so confusing for little Miss!  And it is going to go all Kafooey on her again as soon as we get to the end of September!  Strangely, she seems to understand that we are going to fly up in the sky!  I can’t wait to see what she thinks of this!

As for the boys, Jordan is of course in a bit of a longer limbo than Dylan is facing, and they are being as lazy and as hard done my as ever!  Neither one wants to do school work, but Jordan is actually working on it more willingly.  Dylan is the most hard done by, as if moving to a new house and a new country is not enough, he wants to have the best of everything here in the flat, and he wants to do the least to help out.  He is by far the most selfish and the most difficult to get to understand anything, such as why he has to use his own blanket when he sits on the settee rather than assuming the nicest in the house and leaving his for someone else to use. 

Katrina is eager to go, and so am I.  I would like to get moved on and settled in and looking for incomes!  I am also eager to get to work on some things that I have been planning on such as a blog I have all laid out and ready to work on.  I am so eager to finally get this life on pause rolling and no longer, and never ever to be on pause again!  23 Days to go!