I’d Love To Say…

…What a wonderful trip to London it was!  Kiry was very good on the train there and back, and the purpose of the trip was fully accomplished, which was to register Kiry as a US Citizen born abroad, and to get her SSN and US Passport.  While I would love to say also that we went around to places like Notting Hill and Buckingham Palace, or anything like that, but we didn’t.  It was nice to walk out of Paddington Station and across to the Embassy and then back again a different route all from what I know in my head of London though!  Love the city! 

We are down to two weeks before we go, and the excitement is starting to build around here!  Katrina is getting eager to get out of the country, and Dylan is ready to get started on his new life!  Jordan is hoping that the doctors will clear him for flight on the 29th with the rest of us, and if we are lucky, he will be.  Kiry really doesn’t know what is going to happen, but she has adjusted well to what has happened so far. 

As for me, I have not yet absorbed the idea that we are really going back yet.  I look forward to Nevada, and to making a home there.  There is so much to do!  The house is going to need a lot of work in order to make it as efficient as possible and to make it so that rather then just providing a shelter, it also provides food, and other needs for us.  I would like very much to live green, but I also want to live practically and in a mode of self-reliance.

At this point we have one more step out of the way, and one thing less to worry about.  Now the passport needs to get here on time!  That, and Jordan make the flight, and we are all set and on our way!  Strangely, it feels a lot like it did when we did not know how the Embassy would rule on our sponsorship forms!