A Week From Wednesday is Fly-Day, and So Much To Do..!!

There are so many things to do in the next week or so that the mind boggles!  Not the least of these will be a visit with my camera in hand to my beloved Worcester Cathedral for one last day of shooting. 

We have planned a trip the the chemists, a trip to Birmingham, a trip to the cemetery, and a trip to the grocery.  There are documents and papers to scan rather than carry, and there is a box of junk to sort out under the table.  There are batteries to charge, gas and electric meters to top up, and clothes to wash.  There is food that has to be eaten rather than keep ordering out too!  Kids need educating while they are away from school, and there is teenaged angst to deal with, as well as the occasional ‘poopy nappy.’ 

While all of this is going on, there are arrangements to make in order to get to Birmingham airport by 3:30 in the morning, there is the going away party and the clean-up after, and there is the question of the ‘extra’ bag of luggage that we may need for that last bit of extra stuff. 

And there are addresses and address books to update, websites to update, banks to notify, and don’t tell the loan sharks… 

In the mean time, I have built a plan for a new website, and am now ready to adapt the same plans to an old one.  http://www.kelseyphoto.com will be getting a much needed overhaul BEFORE we fly out, and I have laid some of the foundations for http://www.theprosperingpeasant.com so I can get straight to work on it as soon as we land in America!  The two websites will hopefully provide more than a hobby and distraction for me, but an income as well.  That is going to the the hard part, of course, but if I market it right, who knows?  Now for the hard part, content! 

I wonder though, if leaving England will be like Leaving Portefields Road was?  Will it be a moment without emotion, or will something latch onto my heart so strong that it hurts?  Probably the Cathedral, the history, the countryside…  I know that when they search my belongings and check my bags, and when customs clears my boxes of things I have shipped, I will carry more inside me than all of that. 

9 days and counting

Kelsey Bacon

Worcester, England