One Tough Week

AS you know from my last post, we have got the VISA’s..!!  But then we took off last Friday to get Jordan an MRI on Doctor’s orders, and they found what turned out to be a pretty huge patch of blood on his brain which required immediate surgery!  Ugh!  Can you imagine, “honey, how was your day at work?  We have to rush Jordan up to Birmingham for brain surgery!” 

Jordan was put on priority lists each day, and finally operated on Tuesday afternoon.  A person could be bothered by the delays if not for the fact they were caused by things like babies having emergency surgery to remove brain tumours and the like.  Well, there you go then.  Now it id Friday again and Jordan is finally home.  They want to scan him again on the 24th of September, but he cannot fly with us on the 29th as the results are not even for a week.  The tickets are non-refundable, so I think we will have to look at what options we have there, but we expect he will have to have his VISA extended somehow, and travel out at a later date.  Bummer. 

Meanwhile, I have emptied a house of everything it contained.  I had a load of help from my sister-in-law, and cannot possibly thank her enough for it!  We cleared all of it by working till around three in the morning, then getting up and started again around eight each day, and going again with very little time off for six days in a row.  I started each day tired and ended each even more tired till I was finally so exhausted I could hardly move.  Well, there are a few things left in the house, and a few things left to do, so one more day ought to clear it, if we can get someone with a car to help out.  This would all have been very little if we had a car of our own! 

All in all, this has been one of the hardest weeks to get through in a long time for all of us. 

Now we live at my mother-in-law’s house, and we are still planning to fly on the 29th, albeit without Jordan so he can fully recover first.  We have to see what the Embassy can do to help us extend his VISA.  Trouble is that we have spent so much time and money setting this up and it would be such a waste to not get the stamps in place in the passports in order to complete the immigration! 

For the month ahead, we have a few things to sort out, and we have a time to rest and get ready for the next step in life.  This should be fun!